

Ten years ago, Karpaten Meat Group was established in Romania and since then we have been sustaining those farmers who have been interested in setting up a business in this field. We are therefore celebrating an important stage of this zootechnical branch in Romania, together with the brave entrepreneurs who contribute day by day to its development.


We are now talking to some of the Karpaten Meat Group partner farmers to find out their reason for a business with Angus cattle and their experience up till now as partner of the first farm of the kind in Romania.


Ion Dumitru began his Angus cattle business after a visit at Sibiu. He arrived to Karpaten Meat by chance and, although he had not planned such a thing, he returned home with his first 6 animals of this breed. Being a beef great-eater, his wish for that moment was to enjoy with his family some tasty beef of well-known beef cattle brand: “I came to Sibiu for a horse-riding competition and I heard, there was a cattle farm in Marpod. I planned a visit there in order to buy two beef cows, but I left with six such cows.”


Since his first visit at the farm in Marpod have gone about four years; since that time, Mr Dumitru has come to a number of over 100 cattle of high-quality genetics in his own farm, and he takes care of them attentively. Although his previous experience about animals concerned only horses and horse competitions, he learned over the years how to develop a cattle farm and which are the main necessary proceedings for the proper cattle breeding.


I had nothing to do with animals, except horses. But after my visit at the farm from Marpod, I became interested in Angus cattle. It’s true, I invested in equipment and technical facilities in order to be able to ensure the necessary conditions for a good breeding, but it is very easy to take care of these animals. For instance, 100 cattle are in charge of one single man. Cattle graze in freedom on the grasslands.”


He has no regret about the enthusiasm that took hold of him in 2014, he is even happy that animals are quite easy to handle, that they adapted themselves very well to the area and that they turn to profit his pasture. Yes, he had difficulties, but it was because of the lack of skilled veterinarians in the area of his farm. But he overcame this problem too and, in case of uncertainties, he turned to Karpaten Meat Group for support, he informed himself about the partnership programs that the company offer and he learned from every experience. “I purchased at the beginning a few cattle and I learned step by step what I have to do. I have kept a close connection with KMG and I had no problem, I constantly call them to inform myself about different problems that may occur and I receive advice. I am quite satisfied about it. It is a very good business.”


Mr. Dumitru’s little farm from Berceni developed naturally, without imposing plans. Beginning from 6 cattle, he reached the number of 50; on every occasion he sent back to Karpaten Meat the calves produced in his herd. Having thus a market assured, he could extend his business up to the present level. His future projects keep the same pacing and turn rather towards quality than towards quantity, his wish is to produce cattle with the best Angus characteristics. „I try myself to select the animals of my herd. I am interested only in pure breed and aim to attain a number of 100 cows with calves.”


Such stories and such strong partnerships give us confidence and desire to continue building up the Angus business in Romania and supporting those who contribute to our goal. Join the biggest Angus network and become our partner. Contact us by e-mail: info@karpaten-meat.com   or at the phone number 0269/ 232 977.